One Side Clean is focused on paper recycling and upcycling, mainly by repurposing paper printed only on one side to make school supplies (notebooks, notepads, planners) as well as encouraging others to think outside the box in general to see how they can reuse what they already have or recycle old materials. OSC notebooks are now available in the ReUse STore in the MLK Student Union Building! We have also been working on building a directory of OSC bins on campus with the hopes of getting more OSC bins placed in new locations. We are very excited to continue our paper reuse work as well as to begin including upcycling projects geared towards college students! Builds occur on a weekly basis.
Project leader: Roxy Honowitz ([email protected])
Check out how to make an OSC notebook here!
Project leader: Roxy Honowitz ([email protected])
Check out how to make an OSC notebook here!